Finding a restaurant that offers free food and food supplies is a difficult task in today’s world. Not many people are keen at helping the needy. There are many who are eager to help the needy but do not have the resources or are able to spend money on buying them food. The recent innovation in the technical field has brought about the advent of many number of mobile based applications. Some of these apps help people in finding a good place where they can get free food to help the needy. There are many places that give out free food resources which are found through these apps.

Starting late, the market has seen a wide range of food finder apps that list out places where you get free food and resources. Community compass is a rapidly growing food finder application. It makes people find food resources like free food, free staple products and free meals. It shows the amount of locations where you get food and food resources for free.
How the application works:
Download and install the Community compass’ application on your cell phone or other smart gadgets. Now open the application in your device and grant location access to find the places where you can get food from. Community compass gives everyone the places where you can find free food and meals around your locality. It also helps in finding Women, Infants and Children (WIC) clinics in Marion County in Indiana.
Features of the application:
Community compass has a lot of cool features. A segment of these features are listed here.
• The application is easy and simple to use for everybody.
• Helps in finding free food, free dinners and free grocery supplies around your territory easily.
• The application is incredibly significant for the down and out people
Compatible with:
The application works with Android and iOS devices.