Although 77% of Americans are concerned about the environmental impact of the products they buy, only 17% of consumer spending goes toward products that promote sustainability.
This is generally due to a scarcity of easily accessible and trustworthy information. The average shopper lacks the time, energy, and expertise to conduct the necessary research to determine which products are genuinely sustainable. This is where askBelynda can help. They conduct all of the research for you. askBelynda provides a quick and trustworthy way to determine how environmentally friendly your purchase is at the point of sale.
They are a group of people who share a concern for the environment. They try to be conscious consumers ourselves and understand how difficult it is to sort through all of the information available about how ‘green’ a product is.
In reality, consumerism and online shopping are widespread. They use certain products frequently, and they cannot make everything from scratch at home. That is not their intention.
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They are prepared to provide you with the best alternatives. They began professionally with household and personal care products and are now expanding into other categories, such as clothing and shoes.
Their promise to you is that our recommendations are based on personal experience and align with sustainability values such as packaging, materials used, and social aspects of manufacturing companies, among other things.
Irete Hamdani is an entrepreneur and the originator of askBelynda, a Google Chrome extension that lets consumers reduce their carbon footprint while shopping online by recommending sustainable products.
She holds honours MSc in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University and is an AWS Certified Associate Developer and Solution Architect. She believes that expanding sustainable consumer goods will lead to a greener future. Irete lives in Denver, Colorado, with her partner and two girls.
Begin Small
Determine the appropriate scope for your MVP and ensure it is flawless before launching. Nothing is more discouraging than trying something new and running into problems.
Develop an Early Adopter Community
These are typically friends and family who can provide feedback early on. They must consult with them whenever you plan a new release to get their feedback.