Whether you are starting a business or just need some help in Human Resources for hiring, keeping and managing processes, CIPHR or Computers in Personnel-Human Resources, provides the tools you need to fill an empty slot in HR when the company needs it. Computers in Personnel, is Software as a Service (SaaS) tool that requires no downloads, no CD’s and absolutely no installation on your computer.
This allows you to log into your HR account anytime, anywhere. Computers can easily break down or catch a virus easily. Software as a Service is important these days because of its safety, accessibility and usefulness. CIPHR combines various HR tools that make work easier to manage, providing great feedback among current users with diverse, successful companies.
In fact, CIPHR is so organized that it helps you look for the tools you actually need, whether your problem is with: personnel management, employee training administration, voice absence recognition and management, real time HR management information, charts, profiles, labour data, HR ad automation, benefits and voluntary lifestyle benefits, among others. Other features include: compel for windows HR software, recruitment software and even payroll software. Every feature and service includes a printable brochure for you to present in front of the company. CIPHR also provides the ability to present it in PDF. You can also schedule a demo, where you can try the service out before deciding whether or not you want to make an investment.
You are able to view everything on their webpage, as well as the case studies performed that prove that CIPHR actually helps to save time within a company. That time can either be used to improve on processes or to focus on other aspects that couldn’t be reviewed before. Established in 1982, CIPHR started out as a promise to provide HR solutions through personal computers. CIPHR has grown so much that they are now thriving in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Should you have any doubts about the services or if you wish to contact them when you want pricing options, feel free to send them an email.
Apps4Review Rating : 7/10
Web Application Link : http://www.computersinpersonnelhr.com/