You spend so much of your time with the vehicles you use and there is so much to remember about them. Carrying the essential documents every time you go out on a ride is really not easy and it is not safe too. You don’t want to misplace them and land into trouble. The service receipts are difficult to carry and many people misplace them easily. When the time comes and you require showing the receipt or document to someone, you find yourself in a false situation that you cannot handle. AUTOsist is going to solve your problem for lifetime. It is an app on iTunes that allows you to take pictures of receipts and documents and store them in such a way that it becomes easy to sort.
AUTOsist, presented by AUTOsist is your perfect auto assistant which can handle your documents with care. You just need to click a picture of the receipt that you want to store and upload it on the app. you can access the receipt across devices you use and it will be stored until you choose to delete it. One of the major features of the app is that it allows you to store details of more than one vehicle and whenever you decide to sell the vehicle, it comes handy. It will actually provide the service history of the vehicle to the potential buyer and that will have a good impression for sure.
One more feature that I liked about AUTOsist is that it is possible to share the information with anyone with just one click. If you are selling your vehicle, this feature comes handy. You will be clear on your part and the buyer will be happy too. You can always run a report on the app and check the service history of the vehicle. This will let you know when your vehicle was last serviced and when it needs to be serviced again. It is a way to remember everything about your car, bike or any other vehicle. It is also possible to search key information of your vehicle in the app.
AUTOsist is appropriate for those people who have more than one vehicle and manages a commercial vehicle business. It is quite easy to toggle back and forth with the easy options available in the app. You can take note of any relevant information and will never forget a thing again. It is also quite easy to use the app. The interface is clean and simple and it is easy to follow.
Technical Information
The version 1.2.3 of the app is available for free on iTunes. It needs around 5.8 MB space on your device. The iOS version required for the app is iOS 6.0 or later. It can be run successfully both on iPad and iPhone.
Good: The app allows one to manage records of more than one vehicle. It can be any vehicle that you use.
Bad: Nothing wrong is reported about the app as of now.
Worth Having App – Download the App