Future Trends in Mobile Application Development 2022

by | Sep 29, 2021 | General | 0 comments

The evolution of smartphones is incredible. Small palm-sized devices have changed everything in the world. They have become everyone’s companions. It is hard to believe that mobile apps were a rarity a few years before. Though they have been around for a short time, they have become integral to our lives. Right from the moment you wake up with the alarm app to the complex financial apps, mobile application apps have integrated into your daily life.  Apps are here to stay. They aren’t going anywhere. Everyone knows the grand history of mobile application development. What are the future trends? Let’s dig in.

1.   Artificial Intelligence

AI can take mobile application development to new heights in the future. It is going to change mobile technologies into intelligent software that can provide a personalized experience to its users. Mobile apps will create a personal connection with their users as they will be able to predict the user’s behavior and mood. Thanks to AI, mobile apps will not only be user-centric but also intelligent. This will be of great help to businesses and they will be able to connect with customers like never before. Moreover, mobile phones will be homes to AI-powered apps like voice translations, AI cameras, and others. There is no doubt that AI will start to control our mobiles on its own.

2.   Apps for Foldable Phones

The foldable devices are the future. The more screen space, the better will be the experience and the more efficient will be the work done. Multitasking will help everyone to do all their work from their phones. Mobile application development for foldable devices should support multi-windows and should transition from one screen to another seamlessly. The app should be resizable and should function in screen ratios of different sizes. Developing a mobile app for the larger screen of the foldable phone will be one of the future trends.

3.   Virtual Reality App Development

Virtual Reality is on a steep upsurge. There is a very sharp increase in demand for VR devices. Virtual Reality has created a revolution in many fields including business, gaming, education, e-commerce shopping, and many more. VR apps give the users a real-life experience. It takes the users on a virtual tour and takes communications to a different level. Users not only view the product but visually feel the product with VR Mobile apps. VR apps are used for training pilots, construction workers, and workers in other manufacturing industries. As it reduces accidents and enhances production, VR apps are in great demand.

4.   Mobile Application Development for Wearables

Today wearable devices are generally used as exercise trackers. In the future, they will not be trackers of our sleep, sugar level, and heart rate, etc. Wearable technologies will impact several fields like media, travel, music, education, tourism, and finance, etc. Wearables that are used as wellness and fitness devices will be used by businesses in the future to boost productivity. As the popularity of wearables is increasing, the demand for mobile applications for these smart devices will also increase. Mobile applications for wearables will have a custom interface with precise features, different screen sizes, and low power consumption. They should be fast loading and have advanced interactive features. The future apps for wearable devices will integrate biometrics-based software to interpret emotions and detect biopotential. Customized mobile application development for wearables will be one of the most important trends.

5.   Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development

Cross-platform mobile application development has become a popular choice because it provides a lot of benefits. It is predicted to be the future of the app ecosystem. It can be operated on more than one platform including Android, iOS, and Windows, etc. The app developer has to create just a single code that is time-saving and money-saving. This is the main benefit. Other benefits are better ROI, lesser technical problems, cloud integration, reusability of code, and simple hosting.

6.   Mobile Cloud Computing

This will be the future of mobile applications as it is proven that it is highly beneficial. It is advantageous to mobile users as well as cloud providers. The mobile app developers will be able to build apps that do not affect the storage space of the mobile devices. The data storage is done outside the devices and not inside them. The users have to just subscribe to the cloud services and use all mobile applications. They can enjoy benefits like ample storage space, long battery life, improved processing, and a better data syncing facility. As it gives the scope to embrace new technologies, mobile cloud computing will be the future of mobile app development. Dropbox and Amazon cloud player are a few examples of cloud-based android apps.

7.   Integration of Chatbots

A chatbot can chat with the users based on prefixed answers or user data. The intelligent chatbots developed using the latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can analyze the data, understand queries, and reply accordingly. Chatbots help a lot in improving customer service and support. Better customer service is very significant to survive the competition in the highly competitive business world. Moreover, businesses can stay relevant to their target audience with the help of chatbots. It can offer personalized product recommendations to fit the needs of the customers. Hence, integrating chatbots with mobile applications will surely be one of the trends in app development.

8.   Internet of Things

A predicted statistical data says that there will be a total of 25 billion IoT-connected devices. IoT is one of the modern technologies that can be helpful in all aspects of life. It helps to control all devices at home even if you are not present at home. IoT mobile app development will enable mobile apps to be the point of connection for IoT devices. IoT will make things easier not only for mobile app users but also for mobile app developers. It is of great help to develop innovative apps. IoT mobile app development will be successful in the future because it is cost-effective and faster. It ensures better quality, control, processing, and monitoring of mobile apps. IoT is the future of mobile application development because of the increased need for security and specific design requirements. With enterprise apps on the rise, integration of IoT in mobile apps will become inevitable.

9.   5G Technology

In a couple of years, all mobile phones will have 5G technology which will be 100 times faster than 4G. The increased speed will make the apps more responsive by decreasing the loading time. So, the developers will pack more functionality. This will improve the user experience to a large extent. There will be more precise GPS-enabled apps in the future. The dependence on hardware will decrease as the data will be placed in the cloud. The lesser the hardware dependence, the better will be the performance of the apps. High speed, high accuracy, and low latency are the effects of 5G technology in mobile app development.

There are millions of apps already existing and that is just the beginning. The mobile app industry will continue to expand at a very rapid pace. If businesses want to stay updated and ahead in the competitive world of business, they should make sure that they have a personalized unique mobile app.

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