Kalimaty – Create Your Own Dictionary

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Android Apps, iPhone /iPad Apps | 0 comments

A dictionary is one of the most significant items during your time learning at a college or school. Be that as it may, not all dictionaries are the equivalent and on the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea how to utilize a dictionary effectively, it could really show you an inappropriate significance of a word and make it progressively hard to get a passing mark. A decent dictionary can assist you with understanding your subject better, improve your correspondence and improve your evaluations by ensuring you are utilizing words effectively. At the point when you look into a word in your own language in a bilingual dictionary, you will most likely find that there is more than one English interpretation. In the event that you don’t know which to utilize, you could attempt a back interpretation. This implies you look into the English interpretations individually in a monolingual dictionary. In the event that a word has a definition that coordinates the word in your language, you are protected to utilize it.

Developed by:

Kalimaty – Create Your Own Dictionary’ was created and developed by UX Masters.

How the app works:

Download and install the ‘Kalimaty – Create Your Own Dictionary’ app on your device. Now start using dictionary in your pocket without having to carry a traditional one always. With an e-dictionary like Kalimaty, one can simply save each word they like, get explanation, image, translation and categories to that word. You can even add your own words to the dictionary and be able to review them occasionally.

Features of the app:

Kalimaty – Create Your Own Dictionary’ has many brilliant features of which some are listed here.

  • The app is free with no ads
  • You can use the internet if you wish to sync the words with the servers
  • The app does not even need an internet service and completely works on offline

Compatible with:

‘Kalimaty – Create Your Own Dictionary’ works on all Android and iOS devices.

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