Mobile App Marketing – Tips

by | Apr 5, 2014 | General | 0 comments

app_marketing_servicesMost people are really good at one or two things when it comes to running a business, and then have limited skills and abilities when it comes to most other things. The great thing about this is that the only thing standing between most people become more well-rounded in their business skill capabilities, is that all they might be missing is the knowledge it might take for them to master the other aspects of their business needs. Take for example, a very talented app developer. An app developer might be an amazing inventor and engineer and create the latest, greatest app out there that everyone around the world will be wanting to download. This same inventive app developer though, might have no idea how to proceed with their mobile app marketing campaign once they have created their new technological masterpiece. For app developers who wish to take their careers a step further by mastering the art of mobile app marketing, here are five helpful tips to remember when devising your brand’s advertising strategy.

#1 Test, Test, And Test Again

There are several services you can turn to on the internet these days which have thousands of people signed up and waiting to try out the latest mobile apps on their own, personal mobile devices. These people can not only give you invaluable feedback about your product, but most companies also keep information about the demographics about all of their testers so that you know exactly it is who is supplying you with the feedback on your app. Most crowd sourcing, mobile app testing companies will allow you to choose to only have people within a certain age range, family size, or gender test out your app if you prefer, and you can often add your own additional pre-screening option requirements for the people you wish to become testers for your particular mobile app. If you want to master mobile app marketing, understanding what the people who will be most likely to use your app think about it in its current state is of utmost importance to the success of building your company’s brand. You can test once and see how people respond. If they all seem to want certain changes to be made, consider making those changes. Then test again. Repeat this process until you receive near 100% positive feedback on your app. That is when you are ready to hit the market with it.

#2 A Mobile App Should Not Be Designed Like Computer Desktop Program

People who are on the go all day long depend on the apps in their smartphones for various helpful tools that they might need. They don’t want to open an app and have to spend long amounts of time learning how to navigate through it or having to swipe their way through several different screens to get to the functioning part of the app being supplied to them. Simplicity and ease of use and incredibly important, and the fewer screens involved to make the function of your app work, the better.

#3 Think Outside Of The Box

Let’s face it. There are already countless apps out there which people are using every single day. To make sure that your mobile app stands out among the multitude of competing apps in your genre or category, you must think outside of the box and let your extensive creativity skills shine through in the apps that you design. Users know when they have found something unique, something different, or something special, and those apps are the ones that they will tell all of their friends to try out. In the world of mobile app marketing, remember that the wheel has already been invented in most cases, and it is your job to reinvent it and add something to it that people wanted but didn’t find in another app before. Supply your app’s audience with exactly what they want and make sure that it works like a charm.

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