Rings after Rings- Arrange, Stack and Perfectly Match Color-palette Rings

by | Nov 1, 2016 | iPhone /iPad Apps | 0 comments

An amazing puzzler game that comes with unique experience is quite interesting. It will not only keep the mid engaged but also come with great fun. Ever tried a ring puzzler? With the recent release of the Rings after Rings game, ardent game players have a chance to prove their prowess by matching different rings correctly. This is through placing one ring over the other to ensure that the available color palettes offer a perfect match. Since its release on 29th October, 2016, this fantastic game has received positive critics. This is mostly attributed to its easy-to-play nature, fun and amazing design used to develop it. During the gameplay, concentration and accuracy are essential to ensure that the player gets the best results. Generally, this game comes with a great experience that is absolutely worth getting!


How the Rings after Rings game operates

The entire functionality of this game is quite simple and easy to understand. The first step is to arrange the rings, stack them and match them. Once the player gets the perfect combination and there is no more space (after covering the entire board of rings), one is rewarded with a high score attained. Apparently, if the whole board is filled with unmatched rings, the game automatically comes to untimely end. Meanwhile, upon recording a high score, the player has a chance to restart the game and try to create another higher record of scores. Basically, this fantastic and simple-to-play game requires great reasoning skills and accuracy in order to maintain the gameplay.

Compatible Devices

The high quality formation exhibited in the display and performance of this app is a clear indication of how efficient this app is. This implies that a strong device will be required to support this app. In this current version 1.0, the recommended devices are iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone. Besides, iOS 8.0 or any latest version works best for this app.



The Rings after Rings app game has adopted essential features that make it unique in relation to performance and functionality. They include the following:

Match the color rings

This fantastic game has been designed in a unique manner which involves arranging the rings, stacking them and creating a perfect match. This should be in relation to the color palettes that are available. While placing the ring over the other, the player should ensure that the entire board with rings is fully covered in the correct manner to get the scores. Interestingly, the entire process is pretty simple and requires only concentration and accuracy to achieve the perfect alignment.

Come up with different combos

Apparently, one will notice that the game displays different combinations of circles that one can create. As a player, one can place medium or small circle in a much bigger one to achieve varied combos which can translate to higher scores. It is important to note that some color palettes are slightly varied thus the need to be fully focused in order to get the needed match. Thus, one will discover how easy it is to come up with perfect combos of the rings!

High quality graphic effects and sound

The developers have taken great interest in ensuring that the Rings after Rings game bring exceptional experience. This is evident from the integration of fantastic graphics that are colorfully designed. This makes the entire display great. Besides, the quality of background sound is incredible thus making the entire gameplay session worth playing! This is a clear indication that user interface is highly improved to boost great performance.

Share the game experience

Upon getting high scores, the player can comfortably share it with friends. This is through using the available social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. This is meant to encourage competition among friends where they can prove who is the ultimate pro for this game. It also offers an amazing opportunity to learn new skills and get the best out of this game. Besides, with the presence of Combo meter MAX, it becomes quite easy to gain high scores thus record a great win.

Here are the Pros and Cons that are notable in this great app:


· Absolutely easy to play

· Comes with an exciting challenging experience

· Great scores recorded with ease

· Fantastic graphic effects

· A chance to share scores with friends


· Minor bug problem

· Infrequent in performance at times

Final Verdict

This is truly an addictive and fun-filled ring puzzler game that absolutely makes the player come for more. Designed in a unique and user-friendly manner, the player will find it simple and enjoyable to play. It is all about arranging the rings, matching them correctly to get the best combination. Truly, this 4+ star app game has proven worth downloading for any passionate game player. It is now available for free on the App Store. Get it today and enjoy the experience!

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