Workflowy, a relatively new info-organizing tool, is well worth investigating for a more multilayered, text-driven approach to organization. Workflowy allows you to organize projects into a series of bullet-pointed lists. That simple but surprisingly powerful structure will enable you to visualize your data as an “infinite document,” with multiple connected layers that can be collapsed or expanded with a single tap.
You can even open any individual bullet point within Workflowy as a standalone document and work on it as if it were a separate Word or Google Docs file. Aside from the fundamentals, Workflowy has some quality tools for intricate organization, such as a tagging system that allows you to easily link different bullet points together and a mirroring system that enables specific bullet points to appear in multiple places.
It also includes a robust collaboration system for sharing entire lists or individual bullet points with others as viewable and optionally editable web links.

How Does Workflowy Function?
Workflowy works differently than other more traditional note-taking apps. There are no pages in Workflowy. Instead, there is a single page that can be used endlessly.
A bullet list represents every task, and by clicking on the bulleted task, you can add additional functions beneath it. You can add different tasks beneath the subtask. It is similar to an infinite task hierarchy.
Key Features of Workflowy
- Instantly capture notes and ideas.
- Items should be #tagged and @assigned for easy access.
- To-do tasks can be completed with a single swipe.
- Upload files and photos from your device
- Use infinite nesting to organize complex ideas.
- Using Kanban boards, you can manage your activities.
- Real-time collaboration and sharing of notes
- In seconds, you can filter your entire Workflowy.
- Insert YouTube videos and tweets
Workflowy is free for personal use, with a monthly limit of 250 new lists and items. Altogether it is a simple app that allows you to quickly take notes, plan your to-do lists, and get organized. The app is exclusively powerful and can help you manage all of the information in your life.
Final Say
It is extremely simple to use, allowing you to create lists of any length and easily link to things. You can easily share your lists and search through everything to find what you need.
Their free option is effective on its own, and their paid option is less expensive. WorkFlowy combines the elegance and efficiency of a bullet journal with the accessibility and searchability that we expect in today’s world. WorkFlowy is an efficacious helpful tool for any professional, student, or layperson.