Keeping hygiene as an important factor is a basic necessity in our everyday life. During pandemics, especially, it is necessary to feel that your surroundings and you, yourself are hygiene. It is very important to learn how to clean one’s hands thoroughly by using the proper disinfectant and rinsing with water. With many people gradually becoming aware of the growing necessity to have a clean and hygiene lifestyle, mobile based app developers have come up with a solution that would help people stay clean and help them with tips on how to care for their health.
‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ is a mobile based app that is a health care protection app.

Developed by:
‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ was developed and offered by | lek. dent. Marcin Krufczyk.
How the app works:
Download and install the ‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ app on your mobile phone or any other compatible devices. This app is free of cost and provides you free hand wash technique which assures that you can remove maximum germs from your hands. With this app you get to learn the use of natural medicines which you can use any time at home whenever a situation demands. The app uses GPS to show you how many people in your locality have fever or other conditions. Users can check with a 0.1km to 5km accuracy for people in their vicinity who have unusual symptoms.
Features of the app:
‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ app has many attractive features of which some are listed here.
- Useful for people in public and can know if they are near people with unusual symptoms
- Gives useful tips on using natural medicines at home
- Best health care protection app
- Helps in daily hygiene
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