Kung Fu Master- Fighter Games Redefined

Kung Fu Master- Fighter Games Redefined

Kung Fu Master- The 18 Brozen Man is an iOS app that will take you down memory lane. It reminds one of the street fighter games that they might have played as little kids a few years ago. The common element is that you have to keep striking your enemies and also...

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Zombies and Guns- Shoot those Knuckleheads Down !

Zombies and Guns- Shoot those Knuckleheads Down !

You must have watched movies like Zombieland, Resident Evil, etc where the complete town turns into the land of the undead. Then there comes a hero with a big sniper and shoots all of them down to the ground. It’s really exciting to watch that “only human” saving his...

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UserStats : Where Visitors Become Customers

UserStats : Where Visitors Become Customers

Hadn’t it been amazing if you had a proof to show to your about-to-be girlfriend that you’ll never cheat her and that you’ve never cheated on anybody before as well! Honesty with a proof is all what everybody wants, but it’s pretty rare to find. Now let’s take another...

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Get Your Predictions Right with Stylish Horoscope

Get Your Predictions Right with Stylish Horoscope

Accept it or not, everyone is eager to know what is in store for them in future. That is why it is daily routine to check the horoscope in the newspaper. When that is missed, you feel something is missing from the day, but with horoscope apps available in the app...

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Page2Images- Let Your Website go Mobile

Page2Images- Let Your Website go Mobile

The world has gone mobile today, quite literally. We rely on our smartphones for everything- big and small alike. These mobiles have replaced a host of tech gadgets including music player, cameras, laptops, web browsers and much more. We want everything on the move...

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ShareOn Audio- Make Your Music Boundaryless

ShareOn Audio- Make Your Music Boundaryless

Spika is all set to take on the android app markets with the launch of its recent android music application- ShareOn Audio. You can access the music files on your PC and play them. In addition, you can also play music saved unto Smart TVs, Wi-Fi Speakers and home...

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KetoDiet : A Dietician that Cares For You

KetoDiet : A Dietician that Cares For You

We always try to figure out how these celebrities get such a good shape in a very short period of time! I mean in one movie they are doing the fat guy and in another, you see a stud with the same genes. For example, if you’ve seen the movie The Machinist, then...

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Ubirimi : Project Management Simplified

Ubirimi : Project Management Simplified

A manager plays a central role in a company. He ensures that the flow of work is smooth and that each employee works to the bets of his abilities, while also keeping his boundaries in mind. The task is not as easy as it sounds indeed. Coordinating a team of about five...

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Bullets and Maggots: Crack the Code, Can you?

Bullets and Maggots: Crack the Code, Can you?

I am very fond of quizzes. There are many adventure games available in the App Store and lots of new good games in that genre are released daily. But I think that the quizzes belong to a grey area where not many good games are available. Though the number of games is...

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Bwin Casino App Review

Bwin Casino App Review

The vast majority of online casinos offer bonuses in a number of different forms, including sign-up bonuses, deposit bonuses and loyalty bonuses. So what makes Bwin – whose new casino app is the subject of this review – all that special? Well, like everything Bwin...

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Caps : A collection You can’t Afford to Miss

Caps : A collection You can’t Afford to Miss

Many people are fond of collections and most times, these collections are unique and somewhat off the league. For example, you may find people collecting all the different types of spoons available worldwide and many times, you can find them stealing from the...

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Rails : Vacancy For a Network Manager

Rails : Vacancy For a Network Manager

In my childhood days, I used to travel a lot via trains. Trains are always reliable, economical and comfortable and visiting railway stations had become a routine for me. Every time I went there, there were so many trains coming and leaving the platform that I was...

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